CMItemplate developer guide =========================== Here are a few simple guidelines to please be obeyed when working on CMIdiffract * Document your code! * Use spinx-compatible docstrings to document all classs, methods, functions, etc. * Write code that is compatible with the latest stable Python 3.x version. * Make use of NumPy as much as possible. Source code formatting ---------------------- * CMI Python projects use the 4-spaces standard for indentation of blocks. * Do not use tabs, always expand to spaces. * Try to not extend lines beyond 100 characters * Keep the utf-8 coding directive in the first line * Keep the Emacs local variables section at the end of all files, and try to stick to the directives (manually) when not using Emacs. Version control (git) details ----------------------------- * CMItemplate uses git as a version control system with a central repositories on github_. * CMItemplate uses the git-flow branching model * the principal development branch is ``develop`` * all new developments should be done on a ``feature/`` branch and, once ready, be branched into ``develop`` * Never touch the branch ``master`` -- this is to be done by the maintainers. * the ``master`` branch is only for releases. There should never be any development done on ``master``, nor any release preparations. The latter is done on ``release/``, then the release is put onto ``master``, and possibly necessary fixes are done on ``hotfix/``. * Do not repeatedly branch feature branches into ``develop`` instead merge ``develop`` into your ``feature/`` branch. * General documentation work should always be made on ``develop`` (only)! * commit such doc-only updates as separate commits! * one can then merge these doc-only commits into ``feature/`` branches * **Never implement a change twice** manually. Implement it on the most appropriate branch, then merge it into whatever branch you want to have it. Descriptions of source code files --------------------------------- Here one would provide a short introduction into the different code files, their intended content, and their interplay. .. _github: .. comment Local Variables: coding: utf-8 fill-column: 100 truncate-lines: t End: